Letters Of Application

1 ) Application for Leave of Absence
You are not able to attend the college due to your sisters marriage, Write a letter to your class
teacher requesting him/her to grant a week’s leave.

Prashant Popatrao Pawar
103, A Type Sukh-Shanti Nagar,
Near Ganesh Kund,
Palghar 401404.
Date: 11th December,2018.

The Class Teacher,
S.D.S.M. Junior College, Palagher.

                Subject : Application for Week’s Leave.

Respected Sir,

            With reference to the above mentioned subject ,I request you to grant me leave for one week.I am a student of 12th A Division and my Roll No. is 1105. I will not be able to attend the lecture from 12th Dec. to 18th Dec. as I will be busy in my sister’s marriage. She is going to marry on 15th Dec. I Promise you to complete my study in time. I hope that you will kindly sanction my leave.

Thanking you.
                                                                                        Yours Faithfully,
                                                                                    Prashant Popatrao Pawar

2) Application for Bonafide certificate
Write an application for Bonafide certificate to the principal of your college.

Prashant Popatrao Pawar
103, A Type Sukh-Shanti Nagar,
Near Ganesh Kund,
Palghar 401404.
Date: 11th December,2018.

The Principal,
S.D.S.M. Junior College, Palghar.

            Subject : Bonafide Certificate.

Respected sir,

                    With reference to the above mentioned subject , I write this application letter for Bonafide certificate. I, Prashant P. Pawar studding in class 12th Division A , Roll No. 1105. I have been selected for District Cricket Competition at Nashik. A Bonafide certificate is mandatory to take part in the game. I shall be highly obliged if you kindly issue me a bonafide certificate. I am attaching my personal details and a passport size photograph of mine with the letter.

Thanking you.
                                                                                       Yours Faithfully,
                                                                                  Prashant Popatrao Pawar
-Personal details

3) Application for Scholarship
Write an application for Scholarship to the Principal of your college

Prashant Popatrao Pawar
103, A Type Sukh-Shanti Nagar,
Near Ganesh Kund,
Palghar 401404.
Date: 11th December,2018.

The Principal,
S.D.S.M. Junior College, Palghar.

            Subject : Application for Scholarship.

Respected Sir,

                With reference to the above mentioned subject , I write this application letter for Scholarship. Most respectfully I beg you that I am a student of 12th class of your college. My father is a worker, his monthly income is Rs.1000,and 6 members are depended on him .So he can not pay my college fee. I am good in study, I stood first in my class every year. I am captain of Cricket team. I request you humbly to grant me full Scholarship this year too. It will be easy for me to continue my education.

Thanking you,
                                                                                       Yours Faithfully,
                                                                                 Prashant Popatrao Pawar

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